2014년 7월 1일 화요일

Mexico, auto boom

source: 삼성증권, 자동차

기아차, 멕시코 누에보레온주 몬테레이 공단 신공장 건설 가능성.

plantas vehiculos ligeros 1024x793 Made In Mexico: An Auto Revolution

souce: http://blog.nationalcarbrokers.com.au/made-mexico-auto-revolution/

With Mexican auto manufacturing boom, new worrieshttp://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/with-mexican-auto-manufacturing-boom-new-worries/2013/07/01/10dd57e8-d7d9-11e2-b418-9dfa095e125d_story.html

"On Mexican assembly lines, wages are often six or seven times as low as in the United States, and new motor cities are rising across central and northern Mexico, fueled by a 50 percent increase in U.S. auto sales since 2009."



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