2013년 3월 20일 수요일




Disk-oriented approaches to online storage are becoming increasingly problematic: they do not scale gracefully to meet the needs of large-scale Web applications, and improvements in disk capacity have far outstripped improvements in access latency and bandwidth. This paper argues for a new approach to datacenter storage called RAMCloud, where information is kept entirely in DRAM and large-scale systems are created by aggregating the main memories of thousands of commodity servers. We believe that RAMClouds can provide durable and available storage with 100-1000x the throughput of disk-based systems and 100-1000x lower access latency. The combination of low latency and large scale will enable a new breed of dataintensive applications.


댓글 2개:

  1. 옛날부터 존재하던 Distributed Shared Memory의 아이디어를 Cloud라는 이름으로 바꿨네요. Coherence에 대한 고려도 미흡하고...

    1. 기술적인 세부에 대해서는 잘 모르는데, 데이타를 디스크가 아니라 메모리에 띄워놓고 사용하는 수요가 증가할지에 대해 관심이 생겨서 찾아본 것입니다. 아직은 성숙한 기술이 아니라는 말씀이군요.
