2014년 8월 3일 일요일

cocoa, chocolate, hershey


cocoa = cacao

High cocoa prices no match for a sweet tooth

confectionary ranking : US, China, UK, Germany~Russia, Brazil~France~Japan

the consumption of chocolate per person per year
China, India  100g
Germany 8.1kg
UK 8kg

chocolate :
hershey, mars/wrigley (private) >> nestle, ferrero (private), cadbury (mondelez), godiva, lindt, guylian (lotte) ...

cocoa processing: Barry Callebaut (BARN), cargil > ADM



"It shows a group of farmers in the Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) who despite growing cocoa beans for a living, have never tasted the finished product and have no idea what their beans are used for."

2013년 초콜릿 및 사탕류 수입동향

자유무역협정(FTA) 10년, 주요 과자류 수입 변화 추이

최근 커피 수입 동향
"초콜릿 '페레로로쉐'가 맛있는 건..."

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